Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I watched American idol last night. To my thinking, Danny is a clear winner. he is the most versatile of all. The rock star Adam will no doubt be the favorite of the teeny boppers. i hope others recognise the difference.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Thanks to the efforts of my friend, i am now ableto send out my video, and I'm hooked up to facebook and twitter. i hope they help with connections.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Still waiting for the warm sunny day we were promised. I am eager to go outside to read or ride around the neighborhood.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


A beautiful day on Cape Cod.
last night i watched American Idol as I am prone to do. As a musician, i like to sense the pulse of America's choices. i agree with the choices made last night. However I have a bigger question. What exactly should the Americal idol be? Is there room for Broadway singers, or chassical singers, or must it be country or rock. a clarification would be helpful to understand the choices. Thank heaven for Simon Cowell. He is always on target. It would be nice if the crowd would let him speak. His task, as i see it, is too give constructive criticism to those who remain. If they heed his words, they always immprove.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


made a lot of progress on my book yesterday. it is amazing that some days work fastand the others seem to bog down. I am hearing from people on my links, but no comments on my blog. is anybody reading it?

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Happy Patriot's Day! I said this to someone today, and the answer was, when is it? Are we becoming so de-sensitized to holidays except as day's off that we don't remember the significance of the holiday to begin with? maybe we'd better re-examine our reasons for the holiday in the first place. Anyway, today is lovely.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today is a lovely day. I hope i can go outside for a while. Anew baby has been born to a member of our family. A girl named london should make her mother happy and eager to be a good mother.
i learned of an 11-year old today who was beated and bitten by her mother last week. The father (not married to the mother)is seeking custody. He is not much better than the mother. The way the child must be feeling makes me sad. No wonder so many young people gtow up thinking the world owes the, in mahy cases, we do because we haven't cared for them when they needed it most. let's hope her father steps up and helps this child. Love does conquer all.

Friday, April 17, 2009


My publisher has really done a lot for me as far s marketing is concerned. I wish I were better equipped to take full advantage. If I didn't have Danny,(my computer expert) to translate the instructions, I would be even more concerned than I am now. I have seen many Gogle Alerts I wish to respond to, but the various passwords i have defeat me. The weather today is marvelous. maybe Spring has really sprung.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


it is beautiful to look out my window this morning and watch the gulls swooping down to get fish. It is amazing to note that gulls are not attractive when n the groun, but extraordinarily lovely when in flight.
My publisher has made a video concerning my book I like it a lot. now i have to decide if I want to do a radio show.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My sympaties to all those poor people who have yet to file income tax returns. better get busy. Today is the deadline.
My publisher forwarded me a video about my novel, A MUTED MELODY ( on UTube) i hope other peoiple will view it. trying now to decide if i should subscribe to the radio show.

Monday, April 13, 2009


What a wonderful joy that the Captain was rescued from the Pirates. I am happy that our government still realizes that human life is priceless, but not negotiable. It is finally getting warm enough to go outside to sit. When i get my laptop ( which is coming) I can work outside as well.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Is the gloom of the day and the cold weather a reminder of the holy Saturday before the resurrection? I have always felt that the weather would have been bleak. Therefore, Easter Sunday should be sunny and warm. Hmmm, I wonder.
i am happy that I have made a few new contacts on the links. I may actually be geting the hang of the while thing.

Friday, April 10, 2009


On Good Friday, i think it is important to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for us in the armed services ans well as police and firefighters. In this self-serving society we live in,it is wonderful to remember that there are many people whose unselfish giving is still around.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Sunshine always make me feel good and ambitious. Now that we are approaching Easter, Spring weather will come too, (I hope).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Finally, a beautiful sunny day! I hope all the people who have not been feeling well will find joy today and feel rejuvinated. i am behind in my writing for a variety of reasons important only to me, but iI am eager to work today.

Monday, April 6, 2009


My computer has been very uncooperative for about a wee, but it is better now. I won't write much today because the thuner and lightning are raging. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


hi everyone,

Sorry i haven't written, but my computer has been doing major tricks, (for a change). Hopefully it is better now. The sun is out, so everything shoul be good. hopefully i can write some on my novel today.